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International Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2017 Induction Ceremony Invitation

data: 03.02.2017



The Induction Award Ceremony for the International Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2017 will be held during the Arnold Sports Festival on Saturday, March 4, 2017, from 12:00p.m.-2p.m. in Columbus, Ohio.

Only select members of the international media and world champions will be allowed access by invitation only.

You can review all details at: www.SportsHOF.Org

Inductees for Class of 2017 are: 

Lou Ferrigno – Bodybuilding Champion, TV and Movie Star.

Bill Kazmaier – World Powerlifting Champion and World’s Strongest Man.

Herschel Walker – Heisman Trophy Winner, College Football Hall of Fame, Mixed Martial Artist.

Apolo Ohno – 8-time Olympic Speed Skating Medalist.

Dr. Tom Rosandich – Founder United States Sports Academy.

International Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2016 Highlight Video.

Access to event will be strictly enforced with security due to high profile stars in attendance.

Ceremony will be hosted by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dr. Robert Goldman.

If you wish to be considered for the invitation only VIP list, please send an email requesting written permission to access to event which you must print out and bring with you to HOF Ceremony. 

No one without permission in writing will be allowed to attend.

Send your request by email to:

Dr. Robert M. Goldman 

Founder & Chairman-International Sports Hall of Fame


Thank you, 

Organizing Committee-International Sports Hall of Fame

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